Friday, August 10, 2012

Tournament schedules and registrations!

So! We're attending the Gosuleague Division 3 qualifier this saturday (tommorow). The tournament starts at 16:00 CEST and you can read more about it on

There's also a tournament on sunday we can attend. Read more below:

But for us to attend, everyone will need to make an account (if you haven't already gotten one, Xenior and Jibing should already have one) and sign up to the team. Just use the password "ilovekopa" to enter the team on the team site:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Enigma, motherfucker

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Enigma should solo Rosh but the video does show the strength of eidolons and that Enigma could easily two-man rosh at level 7 and upwards. It's a nice boost of gold to the team and it's something we could keep in mind when we play out Enigma.

I was talking to Jibing the other day about item progression and he seems to have many good ideas. There's probably a goldmine to gain in each and every one of these areas. That's why we need to record it! When you've come up with something then please write a post explaining it. Then people can read and refer to it on their leisure time. Allan says he's been looking up warding as well, so might see something come to fruition there too. Now I just have to turn my squeaks into comprehensive orders.

So, fellahs. How does it feel to become the best there is?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Jibing won't be able to attend this wednesday, so we're skipping out on that tournament. Luckily! There's a tournament the 11th of August as well. I'm sure we can attend this. What about it, guys? It's the GGDV3Qualifier as well.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Allan: Warding
Kopa: Teamfight coordination
Jibing: Item progression
Ayenara: Splitpushing/Trades
Xenomorph: ~~~~~~PLAYING TINKER

Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to get better?

I feel that recently it's been hard to determine if we're getting better or not. We scrim, we play, but I find it's hard to say if we're getting better or not. We have to be more concious of the parts we need to get better at when playing. My idea is that we designate each team member to research and specialize within a certain area that we need to improve within.

Example areas:
Item progression
Split pushing

Then when we practice, the person in charge of something has the goal to do that one thing as well as possible during the game. It's not going to be easy to break your own play pattern to add something new. It's going to be hard, but that's why we're the best, isn't it?

We can discuss it tommorow. Let's come together at 19:00, alright? Everyone can?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

4PL Tournament

The 4Player cup will start at 16:30 on sunday. We have to check in at ~16:00 I believe. Please remind me! I have a bad record of remembering to check us in. It always ends in disaster.