Tuesday, September 11, 2012

DotA is hard (NOT FINISHED)

Below I'll be discussing the understanding of the different phases of the game. But, what the hell are these phases? They're always named, people know when they're there but they have no idea how it happened. It's fleeting...or is it?
"It's the heroes that have phases, the game's phase is just a culmination of every hero's development."
These phases, as we call them are really just performance peaks for heroes. When enough heroes have their peak the game will automatically shift into the next phase. Every hero has two of these peaks and they're what initiates their next phase.
"All heroes have two peaks. Midgame and lategame."

Here're some examples of heroes that have their peaks at different amounts of gold in the game.

Sand King
             1.5k        3.5k
                                                                        7.5k                                              12.5k
Phantom Assassin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     4.5k                                               10k
0k                               3.8k

The general rule is, the more expensive the peak, the more impact it will have. However if it costs a lot then the impact can happen much later than you need it. Sand King peaks a lot faster than Morphling and could potentially use that to his advantage and change the game around while Morphling's still catching up.

What we want to do is specify when the heroes we use peak, and use those peaks to device a way to win every phase of the game.


  1. >"All heroes have two peaks. Midgame and lategame."
    >Starts the game in midgame mode

